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Callum was engaged to Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty) at the time and was helping to get everything organised for the big event. The same year saw Walford celebrate its first Pride event, where viewers saw Bernadette Taylor (Clair Norris) embraces her sexuality while celebrating her first Pride, having come out as a lesbian six months earlier, while Callum Highway (Tony Clay) struggles to come to terms with his new feelings. To sign up to the EastEnders London newsletter, simply follow this link and select the newsletter that's right for you.Īnd to really customise your news experience on the go, you can download our top-rated free apps for iPhone and Android. Make sure you stay ahead of the crowd and get all the gossip on upcoming storylines, off-screen gossip and updates about the cast by signing up. You're flipping invited to sign up to MyLondon's EastEnder's newsletter to get all the latest from Walford straight to your inbox- and it's absolutely FREE! If the answer to any of the above questions is a resounding yes, we have good news.

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